

The euroatlantic union review

Dario Velo
University of Pavia, Italy

Scientific Board
Sergio Arzeni, OCSE, France; Léonce Bekemans, Rickevelde Bruges, Belgium; Claude Blumann, University of Panthéon-Assas, France; Franco Bruni, Bocconi University, Italy; Silvia Bruzzi, University of Genoa, Italy; Oreste Calliano, University of Torino, Italy; Jean Claude, Dischamps Association, Internationale des Economistes, France; Daniel P. Fata, German; Marshall Fund, USA; Daniela Felisini, Universiy of Tor Vergata, Italy; Jean-Claude Gautron, University of Bordeaux I, France; Gianvito Giannelli, University of Bari, Italy; José Maria Gil-Robles, University of Madrid, Spain; Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Member of the European Parliament, Germany; Stefen Griller, University of Wien, Austria; Rudolf Hrbek, University of Tübingen, Germany; Jean-Gérard Lieberherr, European Movement, France; Salvatorangelo Loddo, University of Pavia, Italy; Marc Maresceau, University of Gent, Belgium; Marco Mascia, University of Padova, Italy; Carlos Francisco Molina del Pozo, University of Madrid, Spain; Willem T.M. Molle, University of Rotterdam, Netherlands; Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, University of Heidelberg, Germany; Antonio Papisca, University of Padova, Italy; Lodovico Passerin d’Entreves, C.S. Bank of Italy, Italy; Ugo Patroni Griffi, University of Bari, Italy; Paulo Pitta e Cunha, University of Lisboa, Portugal; Franco Praussello, University of Genova, Italy; Daniela Preda, University of Genova, Italy; Pasquale Preziosa, Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force, Italy; Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Catholic University, Italy; Marcelo Resico, Pontificia Universidad Catòlica, Argentina; Michele Ruta, International Monetary Fund, USA; Alberta Sbragia, University of Pittsburgh, USA; Matthias Schaefer, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Berlin, Germany; Carlo Secchi, Bocconi University, Italy; Constantin Stephanou, University of Athens, Greece; Antonio Tizzano, La Sapienza University, Italy; Antonio Felice Uricchio, University of Bari, Italy; Eugenio Fernando Yáñez Rojas, University Adolfo Ibáñez, Cile.


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per pagina

The EuroAtlantic Union Review - Anno I, n.0

  • € 90,00

The EuroAtlantic Union Review - Anno I, n.1

  • € 90,00

The EuroAtlantic Union Review - Anno I, n.2

  • € 90,00

The EuroAtlantic Union Review - Anno II, n.1

  • € 90,00

The EuroAtlantic Union Review - Anno II, n.2

  • € 90,00

The EuroAtlantic Union Review - Anno III, n.1

  • € 90,00

The EuroAtlantic Union Review - Anno III, n.2

  • € 90,00

The EuroAtlantic Union Review - Anno IV, n.1-2

  • € 90,00

Vol. 4 • No. 1-2/2017

The EuroAtlantic Union Review - Anno V

  • € 90,00

Vol- 5 n.1-2/2018

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